What are Sketchcomics?

Derek Mah comic illustration rough sketch

Sketchcomics is how I describe works in progress that have to do with visual storytelling. It could be fiction, non-fiction, advertising, instructional, static, or animated as long as it’s visually communicating some sort of narrative.

Derek Mah comics sketchIt is always interesting looking at sketchbooks, hearing about process, what made it into the final, what did not. Development sketches illuminate the ideas and curious meanderings that helped grow and refine the finished product. Like a secret peek backstage, or a tour of a master kitchen, it is a glimpse into that dimension where creativity and craft combine.

This website is a way for me to share with you some of that backstage stuff.

I hope you like it,

Derek Mah Muhammad Ali sketchDerek Mah Muhammad Ali sketchDerek Mah illustration Muhammad Ali